Get Involved! Make a Difference Today!

You can play a key role in protecting the health of our watershed! There are many ways you can help — whether you’re interested in hands-on volunteer work, spreading awareness, or supporting educational initiatives.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Tree Planting & Restoration: Join us for tree planting events, where we work to restore native habitats and protect our local ecosystem.
  • Invasive Species Removal: Participate in work parties dedicated to removing harmful invasive species and installing native plants.
  • Workshops & Presentations: Host or attend free educational workshops that empower the community to take action for watershed health.
  • Plan the Urban Forest Summit: Get involved in planning for next year’s summit and contribute to its success.

To stay updated on volunteer opportunities, email Jack at to be added to our volunteer mailing list.

Urban Forest Restoration:

Interested in helping us restore urban forests? There are several ways you can contribute:

  • Join the Urban Forest Committee: Work with us on strategic planning and initiatives.
  • Participate in Restoration & Planting Work Parties: Get your hands dirty and help us plant native trees.
  • Urban Forest Summit: Assist with planning or coordinating our annual summit.
  • Tree Data Collection: Help us monitor and map local tree populations through the LO Survey.

To get involved, contact Rio at

Education and Outreach::

Interested in supporting education and outreach in our community? There are several ways you can get involved:

  • Join the Education and Outreach Committee: Help us plan and implement initiatives to engage the community
  • Support Events: Lend a hand with unique events like Soil Your Undies or the Bee BioBlitz.
  • Assist with Field Trips: Help with 2nd and 5th grade walking field trip programs and share your knowledge with young learners.

To get involved, contact Megan at

    February 8, 2025
    • OLWC Work Party: Westlake HOA February 8, 2025  1:00 pm - 3:00 pm 14903 Westlake Dr, Lake Oswego, OR 97035, USA

      This beautiful oak woodland habitat is home to 150-year-old white oaks and a diversity of wildlife! Invasive species, especially ivy, have taken over the forest and we need your help! We will be pulling invasive ivy and other invasive species. Pulling ivy requires volunteers to be able to bend over or kneel, but we can arrange alternate projects for those with different abilities or mobility issues.

      We will be working outdoors so please dress for the weather (long pants and layers are recommended). Sturdy, closed-toed shoes are required. Bring your own water bottle and gloves. Extra tools, gloves, and training will be provided. Please bring any medication you may need (Asthma Inhaler, Epi-Pen, etc.) Children are welcome if accompanied by an attentive adult. Unfortunately, there is no bathroom on site. Please stop by, learn about oak woodland ecology, and lend a hand as we enhance this unique oak woodland!  

      Parking will be available in the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints parking lot.

      Registration is required! Please RSVP by using this link

      Registration Link:

      Or by emailing Rio Hybert at

      See more details

    February 11, 2025
    • Urban Forest Committee Meeting February 11, 2025  10:00 am - 11:30 am

      Scheduled Zoom meeting.
      Topic: Urban Forest Committees
      Second Tuesday of the month

      Join Zoom Meeting

      Meeting ID: 867 6129 0564
      One tap mobile
      253-205-0468,,86761290564# US
      +12532158782,,86761290564# US (Tacoma)
      Dial by your location
      • +1 253 205 0468 US
      • +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
      • +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
      • +1 669 444 9171 US
      • +1 719 359 4580 US
      • +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)
      • +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
      • +1 646 931 3860 US
      • +1 689 278 1000 US
      • +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
      • +1 305 224 1968 US
      • +1 309 205 3325 US
      • +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
      • +1 360 209 5623 US
      • +1 386 347 5053 US
      • +1 507 473 4847 US
      • +1 564 217 2000 US

      Meeting ID: 867 6129 0564

      Find your local number:

      See more details

    • Village on the Lake Work Party February 11, 2025  1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

      Please join us for our restoration in action series. We will be installing native plantings along a drainage and wetland areas. The event will take place at Lily Bay and will focus on preparing the site and planting to improve this important natural area. Come and hang out with your neighbors and see a site transform!

      Lily Bay is a unique wetland that sits above Lake Oswego where there are few remaining wetlands, making it a critical habitat in the watershed. Work being done at this event will help protect the existing tree canopy and fill in open areas with new native plant installation for the betterment of water quality and wildlife.

      Parking: Available on Village Dr. near intersection of Lily Bay Court. To enter site, please walk to stormwater drainage (chain gate and paved) between houses on right side of Lily Bay Ct.

      This event requires registration. To RSVP, please use this link: Registration Link

      See more details

    • Education & Outreach Committee Meeting February 11, 2025  4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

      The Committee explores community engagement in watershed health, develops outreach initiatives, plans events, and supports Lake Oswego School District sustainability programs. Join us virtually or contact Megan Hill at

      See more details

    February 12, 2025
    • Field Trip Volunteer Information Session February 12, 2025  12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

      Join us for a 1-hour virtual session to learn about the Oswego Lake Watershed Council's 5th Grade Healthy Waters Field Trip Program. In this session, we'll cover volunteer responsibilities and dive into the key concepts behind the field trips. Register here or for more information contact Megan Hill, OLWC Education Specialist, at

      See more details

    February 14, 2025
    February 15, 2025
    • Field Trip Volunteer Information Session February 15, 2025  10:00 am - 11:00 am

      Join us for a 1-hour virtual session to learn about the Oswego Lake Watershed Council's 5th Grade Healthy Waters Field Trip Program. In this session, we'll cover volunteer responsibilities and dive into the key concepts behind the field trips. Register here or for more information contact Megan Hill, OLWC Education Specialist, at

      See more details

    February 18, 2025
    • Village on the Lake Work Party February 18, 2025  1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

      Please join us for our restoration in action series. We will be installing native plantings along a drainage and wetland areas. The event will take place at Lily Bay and will focus on preparing the site and planting to improve this important natural area. Come and hang out with your neighbors and see a site transform!

      Lily Bay is a unique wetland that sits above Lake Oswego where there are few remaining wetlands, making it a critical habitat in the watershed. Work being done at this event will help protect the existing tree canopy and fill in open areas with new native plant installation for the betterment of water quality and wildlife.

      Parking: Available on Village Dr. near intersection of Lily Bay Court. To enter site, please walk to stormwater drainage (chain gate and paved) between houses on right side of Lily Bay Ct.

      This event requires registration. To RSVP, please use this link: Registration Link

      See more details

    February 19, 2025
    • MP HOA Work Party February 19, 2025  9:00 am - 11:00 am Elizabeth Gress Park, Churchill Downs & McNary Pkwy entrance to the Park

      The common spaces in Mountain park are home to a diverse forest and serve as a great wildlife corridor! Invasive species, especially ivy, have taken over the forest and we need your help! We will be pulling invasive ivy and other invasive species and seeding native groundcover. Pulling ivy requires volunteers to be able to bend over or kneel, but we can arrange alternate projects for those with different abilities or mobility issues.

      We will be working outdoors so please dress for the weather (long pants and layers are recommended). Sturdy, closed-toed shoes are required. Bring your own water bottle and gloves.  Tools, gloves, and training will be provided. Please bring any medication you may need (Asthma Inhaler, Epi-Pen, etc.) Children are welcome if accompanied by an attentive adult. Unfortunately, there is no bathroom on site. Please stop by, learn about your neighborhood's woodland ecology, and lend a hand as we enhance the habitat and the beautiful natural environment of Mt. Park! 

      Registration is required! Please RSVP by using the link below or email Rio Hybert at

      Registration Link:

      See more details

    February 25, 2025
    • Village on the Lake Work Party February 25, 2025  1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

      Please join us for our restoration in action series. We will be installing native plantings along a drainage and wetland areas. The event will take place at Lily Bay and will focus on preparing the site and planting to improve this important natural area. Come and hang out with your neighbors and see a site transform!

      Lily Bay is a unique wetland that sits above Lake Oswego where there are few remaining wetlands, making it a critical habitat in the watershed. Work being done at this event will help protect the existing tree canopy and fill in open areas with new native plant installation for the betterment of water quality and wildlife.

      Parking: Available on Village Dr. near intersection of Lily Bay Court. To enter site, please walk to stormwater drainage (chain gate and paved) between houses on right side of Lily Bay Ct.

      This event requires registration. To RSVP, please use this link: Registration Link

      See more details

    March 4, 2025
    • Village on the Lake Work Party March 4, 2025  1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

      Please join us for our restoration in action series. We will be installing native plantings along a drainage and wetland areas. The event will take place at Lily Bay and will focus on preparing the site and planting to improve this important natural area. Come and hang out with your neighbors and see a site transform!

      Lily Bay is a unique wetland that sits above Lake Oswego where there are few remaining wetlands, making it a critical habitat in the watershed. Work being done at this event will help protect the existing tree canopy and fill in open areas with new native plant installation for the betterment of water quality and wildlife.

      Parking: Available on Village Dr. near intersection of Lily Bay Court. To enter site, please walk to stormwater drainage (chain gate and paved) between houses on right side of Lily Bay Ct.

      This event requires registration. To RSVP, please use this link: Registration Link

      See more details

    Powered by Simple Calendar


    Educational Opportunities

    • Oswego Lake Watershed Tour
      OLWC offers monthly watershed tours for area residents to explore the Oswego Lake Watershed, learn about watershed science, and understand key issues impacting its health. The tours are conducted in individual vehicles, with carpooling arranged at the start. Custom tours for groups of up to 15 people can also be arranged. Tours begin at the Uplands Elementary School, 2055 Wembley Park Rd, Lake Oswego. We start at one of the headwaters of Springbrook Creek, following the creek to Oswego Lake and stopping at several key locations along the way. The tour ends at Oswego Creek as the water flows from the lake to the Willamette River. This event is free and family-friendly. Please email Jack at to schedule your tour.
    • Watershed Education Volunteers Needed
      Volunteers are needed to support school programs and watershed tours and programs. We are particularly looking for individuals who are interested in supporting field trips with the Lake Oswego School District. Training is provided for all volunteer opportunities. Please contact Megan Hill at for details.

    Volunteer Opportunities with Our Partner Organizations

    Friends of Iron Mountain

    As future work parties are scheduled you’ll find registration information at


    Friends of Springbrook Park

    • Education Events. Events throughout the school year (Dates to be determined.). Project Details: A member of Friends of Springbrook Park will partner with Lake Oswego School District and district faculty to develop and implement curriculum that encourages students to learn about and explore the plants, animals, and ecosystems of Springbrook Park.
      Contact: Anne Lider (503-701-2291).
    Future Site of the Pollinator Garden


    Garden naturally:

    Lake Oswego Backyard Habitat Certification Program

    Watershed-friendly household maintenance:

    • Soak up driveway spills with kitty litter and throw in the garbage
    • Sweep your driveway instead of washing it
    • Dispose of household hazardous waste at a disposal facility – drains in the street lead to local streams
    • Install a rain garden to slow down and soak up stormwater runoff on your property

    Maintain your vehicles to reduce pollution:

    • Fix vehicle fluid leaks to keep them from washing into streams
    • Wash your car at a car wash or over grass

    Even your pets can help:

    • Please pick up after your pets – bacteria from dog waste pollutes our waterways.