Did you pick up a native seed packet from us at a tabling event? 

Here is some handy info about your seeds.

Local wildflower and grass seeds purchased from SymbiOp Garden Shop 
Original source of seeds is Heritage Seedlings, Inc. 

Oswego Lake Watershed Council Seed packets contain:

  • Upland Savannah Mix with the addition of:
  • Lacy Fiddleneck (Phacelia tanacetifolia)
  • California Poppy (Eschschoizia californica)
  • Large Leaf Lupin (Lupinus polyphyllus)
  • Heal-All (Prunella vulgaris)
  • Common Yarrow (Achillea miliefolium)


Planting Instructions for Native Grasses and Flowers (from ProTime Lawn Seed)

SELECT the appropriate mix for your site considering light and moisture.

CALCULATE the square footage of the planting area (length x width) to determine the amount of seed you will need. Our recommended application rates for native seed vary from mix to mix and are carefully calculated.

MAXIMIZE success by reducing existing plant competition. Eradicate weeds using the method of your choice. Native seed establishes best on bare soil.

SOW seed after frost and before the heat of summer. Planting periods may be extended for irrigated sites.

MIX the seed well and often as you are applying it to keep smaller seeds evenly incorporated in the mix. Because seeding rates for some natives are extremely light, a cutting agent or carrier can help with even dispersal. Use coarse sand, vermiculite, top soil, rice hulls or other extenders of similar size to the seed.

DISTRIBUTE half of seed (or seed and carrier) over the entire area, then cross back in opposite

directions to spread the second half of the seed either by hand or using a broadcast spreader. If you choose to top-dress the seed, do so very lightly (no more than ¼ inch). Successful seed germination requires even seed distribution and direct seed-to-soil contact.

WATER lightly and frequently to prevent top of soil from drying out as the seeds germinate. When Wildflower seedlings are about 1 inch tall or grass seedlings have 3 to 5 blades per sprout, reduce the frequency of waterings to 2 or 3 times weekly. Increase water per application to achieve greater soaking depths for development of healthy root systems. Reduce frequency of waterings over time as plants become established. If relying on natural rainfall for your planting, then plant in early spring or fall for greatest chance of success. If inadequate rainfall is received following seed germination, irrigation may be needed to ensure seedling survival.

CONTROL weeds as they appear by pulling or mowing. Remove weeds before they flower and set seed. Native plantings usually need no herbicides, insecticides or fertilizers. Dense native

vegetation will discourage invading weeds. Wildflowers will provide food for beneficial insects which will aid in controlling pest insect populations.

ENJOY the small mammals, birds and butterflies that inhabit your native planting.


For more detailed planting information:  Heritage Seeds, Inc.