Mar 22, 2021 | Featured, Opportunities, Past Projects, You can get involved!
Green Team Updates Lake Oswego High School- Nate Foster The students of the LOHS Green Team have continued in their efforts since the last newsletter, with each committee contributing. The Native Plants committee has hosted two monthly ivy pulls after the planting...
Mar 22, 2021 | Featured, Uncategorized
Book Review: The Soil Will Save Us: How Scientists, Farmers, and Foodies Are Healing the Soil to Save the Planet by Kristen Ohlson Stephanie Wagner Thousands of years of poor farming and ranching practices – and, especially, modern industrial agriculture...
Mar 22, 2021 | Flora/Fauna, Uncategorized
by Denny Barnes, OLWC Board Member Pacific Yew (Taxus brevifolia) is a small inconspicuous understory tree. From 1993-2013, they were indiscriminately stripped from our forests to make the powerful anti-cancer drug Taxol. It took about six 100+-year-old Yews to make...
Mar 22, 2021 | Flora/Fauna
The Dirt on Trees Stephanie Wagner We love our trees! We love their shade, their graceful patterns against the sky, and how they store carbon to combat climate change. But where would trees be without their roots? The roots we cannot see but know anchor the beauty...
Mar 22, 2021 | Featured, Flora/Fauna
Mason Bee Fun! Sharon Hawley, OLWC Volunteer Supporting native fauna, educating on the cycle of life, enlivening local flora, becoming comfortable with our small flying neighbors, and enjoying a daily active display of how nature works – a few of the reasons to...