By Stephanie Wagner

Our Oregon White Oaks (Quercus garryana) are special trees. This time of year you can see the strong patterns of their branches profiled against the winter sky. Oaks represent strength and continuity and need to be celebrated and protected.
OLWC has just received a grant from the Oregon Conservation and Recreation Fund (OCRF) to support oak woodland enhancement in the Westlake area. Included in the grant is funding to develop messaging for our community about our native oaks and how they were used and protected by indigenous people prior to colonization. You can learn more about OLWC’s oak enhancement project here.
OCRF is a dedicated Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife account for activities that protect, maintain, or enhance fish and wildlife resources in Oregon. The Oregon Legislature created the Fund in response to recommendations from the Joint Interim Task Force on Funding for Fish, Wildlife and Related Outdoor Recreation and Education to pursue a dedicated source of funding that reduces the financial burden on hunters and anglers and creates a mechanism for all Oregonians to support fish, wildlife and their habitats. OCRF is tasked with raising funds from Oregonians that will be matched by the State Legislature. These funds are distributed throughout the state through a grant program. You can learn more about OCRF here.
OLWC is honored to have been selected as a recipient of this funding. We are looking for individuals who would be willing to help with oak protection and/or development of the oak education program. Please contact if you are interested in getting involved.